Wednesday, April 21, 2010

{This Year 2010}

This year my son you turned 3 years old! What a big boy you are. You have learned so many new things.


You have learned to take the pictures from your communication board when you have decided that you want one of the items and give it to us so that we know what you want.
You now can point to all your body parts when we ask you where they are. You can verbally say "yeah" along with nodding your head yes, say "no" {with in this last 2 weeks} and shake your head no.
You can call out and say Daaa when you want your Daddy. You now interact with your favorite Dora and Diego when they are on T.V. You amaze us our little miracle. You also now sleep through the night and that has made us very happy.
You are a big boy and go to Pre-School now on the bus like a big boy where you can play and learn new things. I love the art you bring home to me, I love that I know you did you hear me son YOU DID IT!!

You are such a beautiful,smart, loving boy. We will get you through, we will always be here to
help you with life.

I know you don't always like wearing your leg braces and you hate that there is a walker in the house, that even though we don't push the walker on you, you know what it is for. I know you will come to terms with walking in your own time and it is our job to love you, be patient and support you through the process.
Each day is a new day and with it brings new little things that add up to a whole lot that you do.
We are not finished finding out ways to help you though, Daddy and I will never "be done" trying to find answers and solutions.
We found out from the doctor that the part of your brain that is defective does not explain why you are not walking and talking. So our quest has to continue. We will not rest until we have answered all of the questions. We found out what part of the brain effects speech and we found out that a lack in B1{thiamine} can cause all the delays that you have. We found out that if I was deficient in B1 when I was nursing you that I could have passed on this deficiency to you. I have found out that due to my gastric bypass surgery that I do not absorb B vitamins from food, so even though I took supplements it may not have been enough for both of us. I have set an appointment with the doctor to have your Thiamine levels checked out, I know how much you hate blood work and I am sorry but one day I hope you will understand.
We have discovered that if you are Thiamine deficient that once you start Thiamine treatments the effects can be totally reversible. We have to hope for the best, Hope is all we have to hang onto.
We love you so very much. We will see what the next step in your journey is next week.

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