You are so amazing our little Michael! Yesterday while we were celebrating Sister's Birthday, all by yourself you crawled and then you copied Grandpa and did it a second time. We are so over the moon excited for you to do this. I know this life so far has not been an easy one for you, we can see how you look at the other kids when we go to the park who are running around playing. Sometimes it seems like you don't want to do something until you know your going to do it right the first time. When you first started to get around the house you would scoot around head first on your back everywhere, then when that got to hard you sat up and scooted on your rear. Now my son I can see you struggle to get around on your rear so I know you are looking for the next way to get around. You are a thinker, a planner, and I know you want to succeed and you will in due time. You have gone against the odds from the time you were in my tummy and you will continue to prove to everyone that you can do it. We are so very proud of you and I look forward to the day when you will stand up on your feet and stretch out tall like the 3'6" boy that you are..oh and Mommy and Daddy's backs will sure love it to. We love you.