I feel that in order to appreciate the good moments it is important to respect and acknowledge the difficult times as well.
A time for everything right?? I think Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 says it all. {Oh and the The Byrds did a great version in their song}
So with all that being said, here is a little insight on what has been going on with BOTH sides of the coin.
Michael is in a specialized pre-school class. In his class he receives physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. We have a IFSP{Individualized Family Service Plan} in place it’s purpose is to evaluate the needs that Michael has and what needs to be done to help HIM grow to be the best he can be.
One therapy that has been a sore spot for us has been his speech therapy.
Many of you know already or may have picked up by reading previous posts that I do not tolerate much when it comes to those that are working with our son.
The IFSP is in place to not only set goal for Michael’s development but also to hold people accountable. {It is a legal and binding contract}
Last year I called a meeting with his team {those who have a plan in place please KNOW it is your RIGHT to call a meeting whenever you feel you need one!} and speech was lacking in that they were not sending me monthly updates as I had implemented in our plan. I also found out at that meeting that the referral to get Michael an Agg Comm devise was not put in as speech had been instructed to do. Needless to say while we were in the meeting it got signed and put in {this was last year}
Since then it has been one big bureaucratic mess.
Every week when I take Michael to school I am given one excuse or another as to why we are at a stand still.” We are trying to see what will work for Michael” “We are down a person” “we have are waiting on a new speech therapist” {we have had 3 people!} It has now been almost a year NEWS FLASH>> Michael understands picture recognition he isn’t lacking in the receptive side of his brain!
Finally this week I had Enough!! I send an email out to Michael’s entire team yesterday as well has the Coordinator for all of Willamette Valley ESD. Needless to say I received a call after hours last night from her as this is not the first time I have had to involve her to get a situation resolved. I will also be receiving a call from the Coordinator for speech for all of Willamette ESD.
While all of this was going on with Michael’s school, I was on the phone with someone else {they wish to remain anonymous} and they advised me that they would buy Michael an iPad that we can load the communication app onto so he can finally get assistance in verbalizing.
The purpose of the devise is not to rely on it 100% but research has shown that children with developmental disabilities such as autism, down syndrome, etc. actually start to talk more after starting to use the devise in addition to reducing the frustration while in the learning process.
I know I would be pretty upset if I could not express everything I had to say {wouldn’t you?}
So now son YOU will now have a way that you can tell us EVERYTHING that your little heart desires, ask your questions ALL of it!! This is all part of the plan for you son, the plan in developing your independence!
We had a TIME for sadness and frustration and now we get to have our TIME for joy and enlightenment!!!!