Oddly as it may sound I find peace and tranquility in it all. A sense of being home.
I can remember as a small child going to my Grandma Marlene’s house and seeing the gold veined mirror tiles on the wall.
It was home.
A place full of love, love, and more love. I remember playing hide and seek behind the vinyl tufted bar, and skinny dipping in the pool. I remember how she would always where the most uncomfortable pointy toe heals with short shorts, get her hair done once a week, and pick up after the dogs in her panty hose. She always had a variety of ice cream in the freezer for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
This woman was beautiful; and unique in her own way. I love and miss her so very much. I never went without feeling a sense of belonging, and being so completely loved.
I was her little angel.
As I have become more aware lately. I find myself thinking about her and how my relationship with God is similar.
My relationship with him is unique, not the same as the person next to me. It’s personal. I can be myself, and be so completely loved, and reassured that I have a place in this world, he is my 1970’s.
I have a problem with main stream Christianity, cookie cutter, put on the Sunday best, a smile, and pray in a format as if reading from a script.
Just be yourself! Scars and all.
Do we talk to the people we love like “Oh dearest friend I come before you today .......” NO! We say, “Hey I have something to talk about.” Just be real. He already knows what’s on our mind before it comes out of our mouths.
So why be fake?
I am thankful for my relationship with him. I can go crying to him and say “Hey I had a bad day today I need to talk about it.” Or, “That was so cool that you did____.”
He knows our heart of hearts, He isn’t an idiot, and he doesn’t need us to pray in format.
He wants us to feel like we are home, to feel like we belong, he wants us to embrace life, where panty hose while doing yard work, eat ice cream for breakfast, and be unique.